Consolidating My Malaysia Trip into One Blog

Allow Me To Explain My Brief Absence

Bienvenidos, greetings. For those of you who may be new, welcome to my blog. My name is Louis, AKA The Latin American Vegan. For those of you who are returning companions, thank you for your steadfastness. I’ve been away for almost two months and while I was not actively writing on my blog, I was and am piecing together videos for my YouTube Channel. During the past two months, I have put together three additional videos on vegan found finds in Malaysia. For more information on those videos, please feel free to click the links below as I discuss them a bit more in detail. Additionally, I have constructed two vegan videos on further restaurants with vegan options in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. However, that will be the topic of my subsequent post, next week. For now, let’s finish up with my Malaysian trip.

Shu Xin Vegan Cafe

Shu Xin Vegan Cafe

Vegan Life, Ipoh

Vegan Life, Ipoh

Durian, The King of Fruits

Durian, The King of Fruits

Heading up North

While in the northern part of Malaysia, Sungai Petani to be exact, I visited this quaint little vegan eatery by the name of Shu Xin Vegan Café. The café is a Chinese establishment, but that didn’t take away from the tasty Malay & Indian cuisines I had the opportunity to try out. One aspect I love about Malaysia is that although there are three major ethnic groups within the country, more often than none, each ethnic group knows how and loves to cook other various ethnic foods. While at this establishment, I had the roti canai, nasi lemak, a cold chocolate beverage, yam spring rolls, sweet corn inari, sweet potato fries, and a wonderful slice of carrot cake. For a better understanding of how good the food was at this eatery, click on the link below.

Vegan Life, Ipoh

Next, we head to the town of Ipoh. While there, we decided to visit another fantastic Chinese vegan restaurant entitled Vegan Life. I’m not just saying Vegan Life because I am a vegan. This is the name of the eatery, actually. Anyway, let us move right along. Vegan Life had so many items to choose from, it was difficult to narrow it down. Nevertheless, we were able to narrow it down to several fabulous tasting dishes. To begin with, I had a strawberry yogurt drink that was extremely tart. Next, we had a Namyoung Xiang Rice, which contained mock chicken and fried rice that was extremely savory. Additionally, we had a marvelous mushroom soup, tofu satay, and the best tasting mixed crispy mushroom selection I’ve ever had in my life. For a play by play description of these wonderful food items, click on the link below.

Durian, The King of Fruits

On the last leg of our journey in Malaysia, we visited a delightful café that specializes in durian. For those of you who may not know what durian is, I’ll tell you as best as I can describe it. Durian is known as the King of Fruits. It omits an odor so pungent that it is not allowed in any public spaces, such as trains, buses, airports, and hotels. When I tell you that the smell is horrible, I am not joking. The flip side to that is that it tastes absolutely magnificent. It is like nothing you’ve ever sampled in your life. Though, it is often not easy for foreigners to consume this fruit. One thing that throws most people off is that it looks like a hardy fruit. However, when you take a bite of it, the fruit is extremely creamy and dissolves easily in the mouth. Getting back to the theme of this paragraph, the durian eatery we visited is called Milla Hana Pulut Kedah. If you’re ever in the town of Sungai Petani, you must come and visit this place to give durian a try.

Stay Tuned for My Next Adventure

Well, I hope you enjoyed my piece on my latest vegan food escapade. Thanks for joining me on another segment in my life as The Latin American Vegan. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my website and feel free to view my other social media outlets, which include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Always remember, eat to live a stronger and healthier life, and never ever live just to eat. Adiós, Cuídate!