The Best City in Peru

Heading to Cusco

Bienvenidos! Thank you for tuning into my blog. As you may know, I've been doing a lot of traveling lately. That has led me to concentrate on content creation. Unfortunately, it has also unintentionally led to sacrifice my blog. In today’s age and time, it seems that many people would rather watch a YouTube channel or utilize social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, rather than read a blog. Nevertheless, I'm here to get back to writing for those of you who prefer reading about events above anything else. Last week we left off discussing the City of Nazca. It was a beautiful place to visit. Today, I'll be bringing you highlights on my trip to the beautiful City of Cusco. Let me just put it out there right now. Cusco is the best city, in my opinion, in all of Peru.

Enjoying a Great Vegan Sandwich.

Enjoying a Great Vegan Sandwich.

The Awakening

From the minute we landed in this magnificent city, I felt like this was a city I would like to come back to in the future. Why?  There was something about the people, the wind, and the scenery that captured my very essence from the moment we arrived. I know there was going to be so much more for us to experience, but we only had a limited number of days to explore this ancient city. Enough with the emotional side of the trip, let's get going on the actual experience. Let's being with our accommodations. We stayed at a hostel called Yawarmaki. It was family ran, and the hostess made us feel like family. She was absolutely wonderful. Our first meal in the city was in this restaurant called Jardin Organiko. For an in-depth look at our first day in Cusco, click on the link below. Trust me, it was a great first day.

Beautiful Ancient Sites

On our second day, we set off with our personal tour guide, Ernesto. In this segment of our Cusco visit, we visited several places like Tambomachay, Puka Pukara, Q’enqo, and Saqsaywaman. Each of these locations is distinct and has so much to offer those who visit them. These places are a window into the Inca culture and civilization. While we visited these locations all in one day, there was a colossal amount of knowledge to grasp. From the architecture to the state politics of this ancient civilization, there was much to learn about them. It was a good thing and pleasure seeing these sites with such a knowledgeable guide. He told us about matters that are not usually spoken about when on a touristy excursion. Again, for a better understanding of the day, click on the link below. 

Time to Eat!

After having such a beautiful day of excitement, we headed to find some food. To our surprise, we found one of the best locations to eat vegan food in all of Cusco. The name of this eatery is called Green Point Vegan Food. Right off the back, I am going to say that the taste and quality of the food are not only one of the best in Cusco or Peru, but one of the best I’ve tasted to date. To begin our night out, I had a great tasting juice made from watermelon, strawberries, spearmint, and cucumbers. Moving right along, we had an item by the name of khao soi soup as an appetizer. Furthermore, for the main course, we had the vegan grilled platter for two, which was out of this world. It came with a bunch of side orders, which complimented the meal perfectly. For complete detail, just view the video below.

Walking is GoOd for the Heart

 On our third day in Cusco, we take a walking tour of the city. On this particular day, I bring you some information on the coca leaf, which is often used in Cusco for therapeutic purposes. More importantly, it is used to reduce the symptoms of altitude sickness. For a glimpsed into what’s coming next, click on the promo video below. Stay tuned as you won’t want to miss the experiences I am going to bring you. Please don't forget to subscribe to my website and leave a comment. Additionally, feel free to view my other social media outlets, which include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Always remember, eat to live a stronger and healthier life, and never live just to eat. Adiós, Cuídate!